Thomas Nöla Et Son Orchestre - The Rose-Tinted Monocle (2008)

Genero: Blues Rock /Lounge / Experimental
Pais: E.U.A

1. Hello, Friends & Enemies
2. The Rose-Tinted Monocle
3. Penelope on a Sandbar
4. Champagne Days
5. All the Queen's Men
6. Under the Chandelier
7. Pink Room
8. Rose Veil Twists
9. Exile on Broadway
10. Mon Petite Bête Noire
11. Lady Grey
12. The Cracked Mantle
13. Houdini's Dead
14. Frontenac Martini View
15. On the Red Tree Hill
16. Pan's Highway


5 comentarios:

Martin dijo...

Excellent, thanx a lot, been missing this one :-)

Anónimo dijo...

Thanks for this, but the download limit has been reached. Any chance you could re-upload it? Merci.

per93 dijo...

Would be great if this one could be re-upped on Megaupload, for example. The one on Rapidshare is down. Great blog, BTW. :-D

Anónimo dijo...

Any chance of a re-up?
Thanks in advance.

Jim dijo...

Please can you upload it???


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